Bush flying remains a risky, expensive dream of pilots everywhere. Learning the skills associated with short and soft field landings, density altitude, thermals, mountain wave turbulence and high terrain requires diligent practice and knowledgeable instructors—luckily, we offer both!
Backcountry airplane camping offers an exciting way to explore the Rockies. Our course involves a mountain flying ground school and three days in the wilderness, learning to land on remote, often unpaved strips in a specially-equipped Cessna 182. Though much of the trip involves flying through Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, we customize each course to the activities and locations you prefer. We can help facilitate remote hiking, mountain biking, swimming, skiing, snowboarding and more.
. Trips can be adjusted for your comfort. If you prefer roughin’ it, we’ll bring some tents, groceries and a camp stove. If you’d like to take it a little easier (or the winter months prevent it), fly-in resort packages are also available.
A great way to experience the mountains in a unique and intimate way, most backcountry airstrips we land on are managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management or other government agencies and are open to the public. We’ve also worked out agreements with several private airfield owners, as well. As this course provides an introduction to backcountry flying, we provide the appropriate gear and supplies, such as camping equipment, food and water and backup navigation and communication tools.